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Founded with the skin in mind

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Relish! was founded with health for the skin in mind.  As the founder, I realized that while I focused on eating healthier, I didn’t necessarily give the same level of attention to my skin.  So, I became fed up with spending big bucks on “skincare” products that promised greatness but are loaded with synthetic ingredients made in laboratories.

These ingredients include parabens, alcohol, sulfates and other ingredients that can cause bad reactions and other harm to your skin. These ingredients most often do not cause immediate reactions because if they did, you would't purchase them.  The damage is "time-released" so you don’t realize the harm that’s being caused. The ingredients that we apply are absorbed through our skin into our bloodstream.

As I began to do my research, I started making my own body butters – first for myself, then for my family and finally for friends.  I received positive and constructive feedback with suggestions from some of my “testers” as to how they believed the body butters could be improved


I listened and kept going back to the drawing board. Now, we have what we believe are products that you will “relish” with the knowledge that they are nourishing your skin.

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